Well, that’s a wrap…

Well, that’s a wrap…

Final blog of the week, given that I don’t work on a Friday (although that is loose at the moment!!) and tomorrow is of course VE Day. A bit of a reality check for us all as we remember all the plans we would have made but for the lockdown. Personally fitting coloured...
Well, that’s a wrap…


So, its Wednesday (again). So much so in these lockdown times do the days roll into one, the weeks into months and so on, that its hard to recall what each day means for the week. Well, we are mid-week today, and ever closer to the expected announcements of the easing...
Well, that’s a wrap…

Welcome to Monday and the new normal

Happy Monday everyone, it occurs to me that this could be the last Monday or lockdown, or is it!?! Who knows for sure now. One thing we do know is that we are all well adjusted into this new normal now and so any easing of restrictions, whilst gladly welcomed by many,...