Happy Monday everyone, it occurs to me that this could be the last Monday or lockdown, or is it!?! Who knows for sure now. One thing we do know is that we are all well adjusted into this new normal now and so any easing of restrictions, whilst gladly welcomed by many, will be more change and another adjustment. Generally speaking, people don’t like change and that is as true at home as in work.
So managing the return to work really is going to be key, and don’t under-estimate the “softer” side of that management, we all need a bit of a big arm around us at the moment with so much uncertainty. If you provide that hug for your employees (metaphorical of course and at all times maintaining safe social distancing of at least 6 feet!!) then you will come through this stronger than ever as any business is only as good as its people.
I discussed this on my webinar last week and gave some top tips for managing a return to work – in whatever form that may look like for you. Click here to see a recording of my webinar and the slides. I am advising a lot of clients now on “returning to work” so if you have any queries, drop me a line. This week’s F-Word webinar will be the gruesome topic of redundancies (someone has to talk about it!)….be kind to yourself today, it is Monday after all…go on have that last chocolate button, I just did!
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