Final blog of the week, given that I don’t work on a Friday (although that is loose at the moment!!) and tomorrow is of course VE Day. A bit of a reality check for us all as we remember all the plans we would have made but for the lockdown. Personally fitting coloured bunting and decorations for the house into working, home schooling and staying sane has been a struggle, but the up sides? Well, we all get a day off tomorrow, more family time, and the weather is set to be kind to us. So, get out those red, white and blue pens and make something, join in, as I have found one hugely lovely thing that has come out of all of this is the sense of community we feel in our village, and I am witnessing everywhere via social media. This is a chance for us to still celebrate this special day, even if it wasn’t quite in the way planned. But also look forward, we can have our own VE day celebrations when all this passes, which it will eventually. I will call it Virus End Day!
Anyway, I digress, employment news to think about today…there has been a review of employment Tribunals undertaken and the Law Commission published its report at the end of April containing 23 recommendations. Big things you should know are – we may see time limits for claims extended to 6 months from the current 3 months and extending the Tribunal’s ability to hear a number of claims currently have to be dealt with elsewhere, including – breach of contract claims during employment, claims relating to working hours in excess of the limits in the Working Time Regulations and increasing the maximum award a Tribunal can make for a breach of contract claim from £25,000 to £100,000. All very sensible suggestions if you ask me. Not law yet and you can hardly see anyone having time for implementation of these changes in the foreseeable, but a nice bit of non-Coronavirus news.
I have to just mention the F-Word, and I hope we will have more clarity on the possible “winding down” of the CJRS next week… this space. Have a great (long) weekend everyone!
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