21 May 2020

As it’s mental health awareness week this week, we thought we would mix up the F-Word a little bit and what better way to do that than to welcome a guest presenter.

From 9:30am until 10:00am

At Via Zoom

Mental health at work is gaining increasing focus (and rightly so).  The stigma of discussing the F-Word (feelings) at work is slowly reducing and whilst it is still a topic many workplace settings struggle with, mental health awareness week brings home the importance of this with some dedicated time when the F-word may be at the forefront of our minds.  Enter Julian Hall. Julian runs his business, Calm People, and works with many individuals and businesses in identifying, accepting and dealing with feelings. 
Mental health awareness week has come at a timely moment for us all, in the midst of the pandemic and having been locked down in our homes for longer than we care to remember, many people have struggled.  We now have some restrictions lifting, some glimpse of “normality”, which for some will be welcome but for others will bring significant stress and anxiety.  On top of that, as we have discussed over the last few weeks, we have some employees on furlough, out of the business, and others working their socks off in the business.  Given the recent easing of restrictions, many businesses are looking more long term and considering things like bringing furloughed employees back into the business and/or opening up more of their business operation and/or cutting their cloth accordingly to make the business run as efficiently as possible.  So, big changes for many.
What better time to talk about feelings, and how you can manage them in the workplace?  This week Julian will be covering the 5 Pillars of Stress.  Given the uncertainty of the current climate, this has caused many of us to realise we have more of a relationship with stress than maybe we realised.
During our webinar this week, Julian will take you on a journey to understand your own personal and intimate relationship with stress. He will help you connect with the up sides as well as the down sides of stress, recognise your symptoms and understand what the chemistry of stress is doing inside you. The final part of the webinar will be Julian introducing you to the 5 Pillars. These are the ways we create stress in our own minds and he will introduce you to a self-coaching process you can use to help yourself and others change your relationship with stress.  Not only will this help you understand your own mind further, but you can easily apply this to others, equipping you with more tools in your tool box to deal with those difficult situations we regularly face in HR.  It is truly fascinating.
Julian is an engaging and dynamic speaker in his expert area, he never fails to deliver.  I for one am looking forward to it.  Will you join me?

Register now via Zoom 

Please feel free to forward this invite to your colleagues. 
We look forward to catching up with you