25 Jun 2020
We talked double F-words last week – flexible furlough, and as we all get our heads around what we can and can’t do under the new scheme from 01 July 2020, thoughts turn to how we actually implement our plan in practice.
From 9:30am until 10:00am
At Via Zoom
If you have questions like:
- How can I end furlough?
- What do I need to do to get my employees back into work?
- What if my employees refuse?
- How do I implement flexible furloughing?
Then this week’s webinar is for you. As always I like to be guided by you, so please send any questions you have on this area to emma.tice@geldards.com by close of play on Wednesday 24 June and I will do my best to cover all the issues.
I look forward to seeing you all there, and any new faces are always welcome.
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