Well, today I have changed the usual Friday Fact to Friday Fun as I am always a little bit amused when solicitors end up at the Employment Tribunal! This week, a Tribunal found that a solicitor had been unfairly dismissed for refusing to sign a furlough agreement. She was dismissed one day later on 26 March 2020, one day after sending a polite email to her employers explaining why she was not wishing to sign it. The Tribunal concluded that the firm of solicitors had not acted fairly towards the individual when she refused to sign it and had not investigated or explored the reasoning behind her refusal with her. The Tribunal said it understood the need for companies to make decisions at that time, especially at the start of the Covid pandemic. Even though all other members of staff signed it (364 in total), that did not take away the need to be fair and reasonable with the individual involved. Surprising that as a firm of lawyers, they did not follow the usual and reasonable procedures needed. This could be an expensive mistake and the damages hearing is to follow. Watch this space!!!
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