Good morning and welcome to your 1000th week in semi-lockdown. I am STILL working at my kitchen table and one day I will bite the bullet and buy a proper desk, somehow actually doing that makes this all seem rather permanent, which of course it is and I absolutely need to get my head around that! So, that’s first on my personal admin list this week – buy a desk, I also have build a soft toy storage box (with my new found DIY skills and obsession with my drill) and try to make some plans for holidays (which is harder than it seems without any definitive guidance)
It certainly was Monday madness yesterday. The hubby (Rob) was actually out to work, for the first time since lockdown, so our little bubble felt infiltrated and more importantly (if you are a routine and structure driven person like me) our schedule was turned upside down as I was sole child-care provider and working Mum. I decided to focus on a few key things – getting some things ticked off my list, both personal and work, and being present…enjoying the sunshine with my girls. I am pleased to report it was a (stressful but) wholly successful day.
First the negative, I got nothing ticked off my personal admin list, and so here I am…still at my kitchen table. I did however get some big green ticks on my work list, the most important of which was to finalise my draft flexible furlough agreement. I am pleased with it. It will need some bespoking to fit your business but it is there or thereabouts. If you would like to have a copy, let me know and I can tell you how me and my team can assist you. I was also over the moon yesterday with some wonderful feedback from my F-Word webinars. I try to break down the law and make it easy and yes, fun…we spend so much time at work, we may as well enjoy it. The feedback reflected this and that makes me feel very proud.
So, Warm fuzzy, fulfilled feeling – tick; flexible furlough agreement – tick….
I also took my littlest up to the stables with me and had a couple of hours of pony fun in the evening, which is enough to cleanse the soul. It wasn’t on the list, but because I like ticking things I wrote it on, so….being present and enjoying the moment with what we are presented with in these strange times – tick!
A more “new normal” day for me today, as I sit at my kitchen table. Lots to do workwise as people settle into their new normal and adapt to the ability to flexible furlough from next month. I am also seeing a lot of restructures coming in, something I really enjoy working and advising on…so on I crack….enjoy the sunshine and tick whatever you can!
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